David GUINEHUT, img/16x16/mail.png helloworld@dvdght.fr | img/16x16/git.png gitlab.com/dvdght | img/16x16/pdf.png CV / Resume

Computer Sciences Programmer & Musician

// Currently working at Bluematrix (Angers, France)
// Previously working at French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety
img/32x32/newspaper.png News
img/32x32/kdevelop.png Development
img/32x32/erlenmeyer_flask.png Research
img/32x32/terminal.png System
img/32x32/headphones.png Musics
img/32x32/info.png About

img/48x48/kdevelop.png Development

All projects I initiate and/or contribute in computer sciences. All these tools / software are free-software.
My main developments are on img/16x16/gitlab.png Gitlab.

img/48x48/toile_libre.png RNG

RNG : River Networks Generation

A stochastic generator and colonisator of river networks. Using 4 parameters (order, bifurcation ratio, length ratio, bifurcation angle) from Horton' law for input. It was developed with the computer science research laboratory (img/16x16/konqueror.png LERIA) and ecological research laboratory (img/16x16/konqueror.png GECCO) of University of Angers, France (img/16x16/konqueror.png Université d'Angers).

Major features are :

License : GNU Affero General Public License 3+ (AGPLv3).

links availables soon, please contact me if you want/need more informations.


All these informations are more detailed in img/16x16/erlenmeyer_flask.png Research section.
  1. D. Guinehut. RNG : River Network Generator [Computer software], 2014.
  2. D. Guinehut. Génération de réseaux hydrographiques aléatoires. Master degree, Final-year instership, University of Angers, France, Jul. 2014.
  3. D. Guinehut. Développement d'un logiciel de génération de réseaux hydrographiques dendritiques afin d'étudier la connectivité des populations d'organismes d'eau douce. Master degree, First-year instership, University of Angers, France, Jul. 2013.

Keywords : RNG, River Network Generation, C++, Qt5, Ecological
Last update on June 08 2016 19:38:35.

img/32x32/newspaper.png Other pages:
    img/16x16/toile_libre.png RNG (A stochastic generator and colonisator of river networks. Developed in C++11, using libraries hopp, Qt5, SFML 2.1 and Boost 1.54)
    img/16x16/miscellaneous.png BiOR² (A software for plant pests ranking. Developed in C++11, using libraries hopp, Qt5 and Boost 1.54)
    img/16x16/pencil_and_eraser_in_pencil_cup.png Contributions (Projects in which I participate & Projects I contribute)