David GUINEHUT, img/16x16/mail.png helloworld@dvdght.fr | img/16x16/git.png gitlab.com/dvdght | img/16x16/pdf.png CV / Resume

Computer Sciences Programmer & Musician

// Currently working at Bluematrix (Angers, France)
// Previously working at French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety
img/32x32/newspaper.png News
img/32x32/kdevelop.png Development
img/32x32/erlenmeyer_flask.png Research
img/32x32/terminal.png System
img/32x32/headphones.png Musics
img/32x32/info.png About

img/48x48/kdevelop.png Development

All projects I initiate and/or contribute in computer sciences. All these tools / software are free-software.
My main developments are on img/16x16/gitlab.png Gitlab.

img/48x48/pencil_and_eraser_in_pencil_cup.png Contributions

Projects from img/32x32/gitlab.png gitlab.com/hnc

  1. img/16x16/cpp_hdr.png hopp : Header-Only Program Parts. Basic (but useful), modern and generic C++11/C++14 header-only library. img/16x16/git.png git-repository | img/16x16/archive.png archive | img/16x16/konqueror.png website | img/16x16/pdf.png doxygen
  2. img/16x16/cpp_hdr.png Thōth. Modern and generic C++11/C++14 header-only library for GUI and games img/16x16/git.png git-repository | img/16x16/archive.png archive | img/16x16/konqueror.png website | img/16x16/pdf.png doxygen
  3. img/16x16/python.png Make Life Simpler. Collection of (useful) scripts. img/16x16/git.png git-repository | img/16x16/archive.png archive | img/16x16/konqueror.png website
  4. img/16x16/archive.png Install Projects. This program simplifies the installation of projects (with CMake, GNU Autoconf & GNU Automake, …) on GNU/Linux, Windows and OS X. img/16x16/git.png git-repository | img/16x16/archive.png archive | img/16x16/konqueror.png website
  5. img/16x16/konqueror.png New Website. new-website is a kind of simplified CMS. My website (and some others) uses new-website. img/16x16/git.png git-repository | img/16x16/archive.png archive | img/16x16/konqueror.png demo

Keywords : hnc, hopp, Thōth, Make Life Simpler, Install Projects, New Website, C++11, C++14
Last update on June 08 2016 19:38:37.

img/32x32/newspaper.png Other pages:
    img/16x16/toile_libre.png RNG (A stochastic generator and colonisator of river networks. Developed in C++11, using libraries hopp, Qt5, SFML 2.1 and Boost 1.54)
    img/16x16/miscellaneous.png BiOR² (A software for plant pests ranking. Developed in C++11, using libraries hopp, Qt5 and Boost 1.54)
    img/16x16/pencil_and_eraser_in_pencil_cup.png Contributions (Projects in which I participate & Projects I contribute)