hopp : Header-Only Program Parts.
Basic (but useful), modern and generic C++11/C++14 header-only library.
git-repository | archive
| website
| doxygen
Modern and generic C++11/C++14 header-only library for GUI and games
| archive
| website
| doxygen
Make Life Simpler.
Collection of (useful) scripts.
| archive
| website
Install Projects.
This program simplifies the installation of projects (with CMake, GNU Autoconf & GNU Automake, …) on GNU/Linux, Windows and OS X.
| archive
| website
New Website.
new-website is a kind of simplified CMS. My website (and some others) uses new-website.
| archive
| demo
Keywords : hnc, hopp, Thōth, Make Life Simpler, Install Projects, New Website, C++11, C++14
Last update on June 08 2016 19:38:37.